Just a quick entry to follow up on the Nike organised Human Race we entered. Although it wasn’t announced when we entered Nike contacted everyone doing it’s Human Race 10K just before the event to say there was a free tshirt in it for all participants.
Kathryn is particularly keen on the race Tshirt so this was an added bonus just before we had to do it. It was also extra incentive for me while I was whinging about my sore ankle. I’ll be honest though I expected a) the tshirt to be a bit cheap, not rubbish cheap as Nike have a reputation to uphold, but not great; and b) to probably have to pay a fiver postage or something.
Post race 2 weeks or so went on and I thought the free tshirt dream was over until they sent an email allowing each finisher to claim a tshirt and for proper free – no postage or anything. I was quite pleased. Even more pleased today when they both arrived today and they are very very good. Each has your own unique race number on it and it’s a very good drifit type tshirt. It even matches K’s running kit so she’ll be especially pleased.
Big thumbs up from me for Nike – the entire event must have cost a few bob and was for some great causes.