
First Event of the Season

On Sunday I did the Pembrokeshire Duathlon – also known as the Welsh Duathlon Championships.

As I’m not long over the op I’d set this as a target for myself and I must admit I did wonder if I’d bitten off more than I could chew.

We travelled up the day before staying in the Cleddau Bridge hotel (who incidentally were very accommodating regarding my bike and my request for a late checkout so I could pop back after the event).   Went over on Saturday for a reccy (signs were going up as I was driving it) and to preregister.

However not being out on the bike other than on a turbo and not having used my clipless pedals before I was a little nervous about being able to complete the initial climb and following a sleepless night worrying I was almost on the verge of pulling out. So glad in the end that I didn’t!

Really enjoyed the atmosphere and had lots of people chatting to me and my nerves were soon settled.   Did well on the run and managed a decent enough time for me especially as I was taking it easy knowing the hill was to come.  The cycle was well marshalled given the numbers out on the track and as usual the support around the course, although limited, always helps you get around.  Traffic was well behaved on the fast section at the top and I think I only had one car pass me on the hilly section.   The long downhill at the end could have been smoother – I think I rattled half my teeth loose on the way back down!

In the end I came 30th in the Open Male category, which to be honest sounds more impressive than it actually is.

I’ll get some photos up shortly.

Something fishy

This evening Kathryn told me a story.  I say a story because it was obviously a work of fiction – she had been duped by a joke on the radio about how fish get a bad press due to their name – FISH – and it’s because of this that we’re quite happy to eat them.

She can be a little naive and I told her that it was obvious someone was winding her up and I went online to prove it.

It was at this point my head exploded when I found the following article – http://www.peta.org/Sea_Kittens/index.asp.  Before you head there I’ll quote a small paragraph that sums up the idiocy of it all

When your name can also be used as a verb that means driving a hook through your head, it’s time for a serious image makeover. And who could possibly want to put a hook through a sea kitten?

Basically the gist of the entire thing is that eating fish is cruel and if they were called sea kittens nobody would eat them.  Quite frankly if Garfield tasted as nice with chips as your average peice of cod I’d happily eat him too.

I really do dispair sometimes at how stupid people can be (in this case I don’t mean Kathryn).

Happy New Year and a bit

Hello!  First post of 2009 albeit 9 days in.

walkerI’ve been off work since 28th November following my ankle op and I’ve not been back to work since.  Turned out to be a lot more complicated than originally thought and I had quite of lot of work done in there.  However I’m walking now albeit with the help of a boot that looks like something robocop would were (sans gun in leg).  Still not allowed to drive though – Kathryn has been having great fun being designated driver – especially over Christmas.

On the subject of Christmas, despite being imobile, it was very enjoyable this year and we had some presents we really liked – Kathryn got an Ipod Touch, a Nespresso coffee machine and Rock Band for the PS3.  She loves them all.  Among other things I got a Garmin Forerunner 405 (a gps watch for running and cycling) and a turbo trainer (for converting a bike into an exercise bike) so I’m wondering if people are trying to tell me something?!

We also got a Tefal Actifry which might not sound too impressive but it makes great chips! We never used to have chips so it’s a real treat.  I’d have chips 5 times a week but Kathryn doesn’t approve.

Also had a pile of games but for some reason I’ve not played all of them yet despite my mass of spare time – have played Call of Duty Modern Warfare a lot though – really is a great game seeing as I don’t normally enjoy FPS games – the quality and cinematic feel of the game is excellent.  I’m struggling at the moment with the online play – I think I get killed about 5x for every kill I get.

I’ll try to blog more often (yeah, yeah, heard it all before) this year and provide things of more interest – we’re working out this years holiday plans at the moment so that always provides good blog fodder.


Yes it’s as sore as it looks.

A life less interesting

Since I last blogged a few things have happened.

Kathryn and her mum completely redecorated the living room but alongside that I have removed my fishtank.  The fish were all succesfully rehomed – albeit following a stressful weekend of fish capture, tank draining and heavy lifting.  The tank itself and everything else has been put into storage until I decide what to do with it.

To go with the new room we bought a new sofa using some of our wedding money which arrived about half an hour ago.  Now normally I wouldn’t be around to receive it as I’d be in work but at the moment I am one week into an, as yet undetermined, time off work.  This is because it turns out my troublesome ankle needed reconstructive surgery of the peronial tendons.

So I find myself up to my knee in a plaster cast and I’m confined to the sofa.  Sounds good you’d think but it’s not the most exciting.  I’ve got plenty to do  – books, TV, magazines – but I find myself putting them off for a moment when I’m really bored.  This moment might be days or weeks down the line but I’m prepared.  Not sure its the best way to do it but there you go.

One plus point – it’s enabled me to get most of my Christmas shopping done and many other people’s it seems.  I seem to have become a present research and procurement service.  You all know who you are!!

Must mention my beloved wife though – she’s very busy in work and taking care of me each day can’t be anyone’s idea of fun.  Having to safely transport me and my various pillows, medicines, crutches and so on to the sofa in the morning and then back to bed in the evening is not an enjoyable activity but she’s doing it anyway.  On top of being busy in work and doing lots of other things besides.

PS She’s entered in the RNLI Reindeer Run 10K on Sunday so wish her luck.




Rain stopped play

We’ve just arrived back at our beach villa having been caught on a pedalo half a kilometre from shore by a monsoon.  It was quite fun actually as we tried to outrun it but it caught up with us with 100 yards or so left.  Seemed like an opportune moment to write a blog anyway.

Since I last wrote we’ve been generally relaxing while I’ve tried to let a bit of sun burn calm down (it’s fine now) and yesterday morning I managed to get Kathryn to try snorkelling again by guiding her around the nearby reef.  It was going swimmingly (pun intended) until a moray eel decided to cross our path – it was probably 3-4 feet long but Kathryn decided it was a maneater and headed for shore at an decent rate of knots.  Michael Phelps would have been impressed.  I was proud of her for giving it another go though and I reckon we’ll have another bash at it later.

Other news, when we arrived they didn’t realise it was our honeymoon but luckily Kathryn’s dad had emailed us a copy of the marriage certificate so when we showed them that we got given all sorts of freebies.   We get a trip, a luxury bath (oils, candles etc in our private villa bath), money off at the spa (so we booked another session each!) and I think we get some sort of going away present.

As I speak the rain has now stopped and it looks like it’s brightening up already 🙂

Maldives II

I am currently writing from the sunlounger next to our personal plunge pool/jacuzzi.  Kathryn is currently at the Spa enjoying a deep cleansing facial treatment and should be there for the next hour or so.

Yesterday we both treated ourselves to a revitalizing treatment that included a foot bath, body scrub, all over deep massage, moisterising and a head massage.  It was part of a discount offer for new arrivals – within about 2 minutes of getting back K was booking her next treatment.

We have a small reef just off the back of our villa and I’ve had a bit of an explore – Kathryn had a fish smile at her upon which she decided that snorkelling wasn’t her thing.  Yesterday afternoon I went on a snorkelling trip and we went round a series of reefs on a boat.  There is another trip later in the week where you might be able to see rays, (small) sharks and turtles.  I’ve put a couple of photos up onto flickr and our photogallery but the islands satellite internet link wasn’t keen on the full half a gig of photos!

One last word about the food – the first night here we ate in the underwater Ithaa restaurant, it’s the top restaurant in the resort but it was our one week anniversary!  I won’t say any more as I think Kathryn was keen on writing about that experience.  Last night however we went to the standard buffet restaurant and I have to say it was great – the choice was massive and varied.  We both went for the Indian option and ate a massive meal followed by two different desserts.  If she’d had room I think K would have had 8!  We also had breakfast this morning and again the choice is excellent even if I did end up going for beans on toast – it’s funny how the heat makes you less hungry.

Happiest Day of my Life

d and k Taking over from Palace’s play off final victory in 2004 as my best ever day, yesterday I married Kathryn Louise Hopkins.   It truly was the most fantastic day in so many ways.

Eighteen months of planning and preparation came down to one single day and almost everything went according to plan.  Following one of the wettest summers I can remember I awoke in my B&B to look out across the Usk Valley knowing that in a few hours the sun would have burnt away all the mist and we were set for the best Saturday weather in months.

Carl and I (and Jodie) enjoyed breakfast and got ready well in time and when we arrived at 12.30 were the second car to arrive.  Over the next hour our many guests arrived including many I hadn’t previously met including Kathryn’s friend Vee from work.

Ten minutes before the start time Carl and I sat down at the front and waited.  And waited.  And waited. Then Carl got asked to go out.  Then Carl took dad out with him.  At this point I was starting to geta little concerned.  Shortly afterwards though everyone sat back down and I later discovered it was just a bit of drama due to to locating the rings.  Then Paul the organist started up with Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring and we were all set to go.

I must admit I did expect a heads up of when Kathryn would be coming down but didn’t get it and as I turned to look she was almost alongside me.  At that moment my head swirled as I stood there with my jaw dropped.  Kathryn looked fantastic and simply took my breath away.

We said our vows and I can guarantee we both meant every word of them but it was all such a blur, one second we were at the front, the next signing the registry and I can barely remember walking back out. Trumpet Tune was playing and I can’t remember it at all.

Mark, our photographer then took numerous photos before whisking us away for a few photos on our own and in no time we were back at Llangoed Hall and meeting our guests as man and wife.  At no point in all this do I think I stopped beaming.  Every time I looked at Kathryn I felt I had to pinch myself.

Several hundred more photos later we were taken to one side while the guests were seated for the Reception Breakfast.  We had a short time to chat and chill out before we were introduced.  In almost no time the food was over and it has to be said it was stunning.  I think everyone thoroughly enjoyed it and even though everyone was already full the trio of chocolate desserts all went down well.

During the meal I realised I’d left my speech in the car boot but although Carl offered to go fetch it for me I was never really happy with it anyway so took it as a sign and decided to just come up with it off the top of my head.  Kathryn’s dad was a bag of nerves by this point but he thrived on the pressure and his speech was excellent – no-one who was there will be able to read the words ‘Nil by Mouth’ in quite the same light again.

Dad’s speech was good, and mine went down well enough – it was shame the twins were asleep by this point so couldn’t have their bears.  Carl went fairly easy on me although he did come up with a video from when we were kids but Barrie came off worse than me so I’ll take that!

Soon it was onto the evening entertainment and this started with fireworks which were great – and only slightly spoiled by the grand finale celebrating the wedding of G and J.  To be honest it was a minor point and I think it gave everyone a bit of a giggle.

The entertainment was an Elton John tribute and while there were some initial reservations I think everyone enjoyed it – personally I thought it was great fun.  Then Sammy played some music to follow which was most appreciated and worked really well.  The evening wrapped up around midnight and we settled down by opening a few cards.

In the morning everyone was down at breakfast when we arrived and it was great to hear everyone saying how great the previous day had been.  We started to watch our guests depart and when our parents left we took a quiet walk around the gardens while we got our emotions in check before finally saying goodbye to Lynn and Bryan.

Since I’ve been home I’ve been humming Jesu Joy – I think because, for me, it signified the true start to the happiest day of my life.

It was a perfect day and I’ll post shortly with a list of thanks.

Nike Human Race Update

Just a quick entry to follow up on the Nike organised Human Race we entered.  Although it wasn’t announced when we entered Nike contacted everyone doing it’s Human Race 10K just before the event to say there was a free tshirt in it for all participants.

Kathryn is particularly keen on the race Tshirt so this was an added bonus just before we had to do it.  It was also extra incentive for me while I was whinging about my sore ankle.  I’ll be honest though I expected a) the tshirt to be a bit cheap, not rubbish cheap as Nike have a reputation to uphold, but not great; and b) to probably have to pay a fiver postage or something.

Post race 2 weeks or so went on and I thought the free tshirt dream was over until they sent an email allowing each finisher to claim a tshirt and for proper free – no postage or anything.  I was quite pleased.  Even more pleased today when they both arrived today and they are very very good.  Each has your own unique race number on it and it’s a very good drifit type tshirt.  It even matches K’s running kit so she’ll be especially pleased.

Big thumbs up from me for Nike – the entire event must have cost a few bob and was for some great causes.